Daily Battles In The Life Of Programmer

6 min readSep 8, 2020

Have you ever wondered what do programmer do all day?

Well, the life of a programmer is quite dense — most programmers spend much of their time writing code using the computer language and thinking on how to solve problems such as testing and solving for bugs in the code or thinking of how to create a new feature. It doesn’t mean at all that other jobs are serene. However, living a life as a developer insistence solid effort and consistent focus. Eventually, a programmer lay up all-time in thinking, researching, coding, and testing. But people often misunderstood this eccentric but rewarding job as tedious and frantic.

At a glance, a programmer’s life looks boring and tiring because you may not get what they do. But from a programmer end, it is one of the most challenging and creative jobs that anyone can do. Sometimes certain features can take days to research and seconds to implement. The trial and error method for new tech fixes can work wonder, as well as chances of the failures, are equal. All the hard work is worth it when finally achieve victory. Programmers follow only one goal that is “Giving their customers and co-workers the support and innovation they deserve”

Different Dissenters of programmers

Well, it differs a lot from one programmer to another how they spent their life. Programmers show a great deal of variety and it is hard to stereotype them. No two programmers are indistinguishable.
Some programmers work for large companies. Their job is like a typical 9 to 5 with a good amount of salary and perks like health benefits and yearly bonus.

Others are freelancers who work from home on projects they seek out. They don’t work on a salary basis neither they get any perks. What they get is complete autonomy for their work to showcase their skills, creativity and facing all the challenges on their own. this is what most programmers find alluring.

others are a hobbyist who works just for fun. They showcase their creativity on their own projects or on small projects of friends and family on the side.

In this blog post, I am going to describe many snags of programmer experiences at various points in their workflows. If you’re a programmer, you are probably the way to familiar with these scenarios. If you work with programmers, take a moment to smile at and better understand the world of a programmer.

“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs. And the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far the universe is winning”

1- Exhilarating as well as frantic

In a random moment, you’re inspired by that one amazing idea. And that buzz gets you the endless possibilities that await for you. You know you are going to drop any or all plans and dive into this project with your core energies. And going to be up all day and all night. Sooner or later you definitely going to snap, stop everything and start working on this exciting new idea into reality.

Most of the time this blow out of motivation is a good thing. It fuels your tank with a large amount of energy and your mind works a hundred times faster. You feel hyper-focused and complete tasks at lightning speed.

However, it is also possible sometimes you get excited about the things that actually not into your priority list. In chasing the tangents, you find it difficult to satisfy your curiosity about solving this problem.

2- Blip on the horizon

Sometimes you deeply get into your code that everything else becomes a blip on the horizon. You forget your lunch for hours. your eyes start to turn red, your trigger fingers start itching because you don’t want to stop not even for a minute.

You just want to code. With every code execution and error occurrence, you feel the solution waiting for you a short distance away. You think if I fix this error,” I can commit and take a break” this voice in your head keeps you motivating and going to fix just one more error…

This can go on for the whole day, after work you feel exhausted and hungry but at the same time happy and satisfied. You are cross one more step towards “mastering in your work”.

3-Getting a gig

One day you find a new technology that can help you in making your work much better. You feel eager and excited. And realize that this is exactly what you need to make your code optimize, cleaner and much faster. You feel pumped up and dive into it.

however, this is also possible it doesn’t end well or exactly as you need. Your idea wasn’t necessarily a bad one. But the thought that was just a minor adjustment turns out in a long process. After working on it you realize one of the two things that this is too big to handle it all in one go or this idea isn’t working out this way.

However this solution workout sometimes. It can be turned out exactly what you imagined. It’s a gamble but here you won’t lose even if your idea not conclusive as you want .you will get to learn something new. Rfectoring failure is totally worth the feeling you get when your dreams really do come true

4-Temptation of breaking rules

Customize software is not generally considered a good idea. Apparently, updates in the main library are almost up to breaking the rule. However, the temptation is always there even if you decide not to include custome tools in your software, you will eventually break this rule.

It is the fact that unique software can’t be built with common tools. If the product demands some updates in the library you have to do it- end of the story!

5-The Eureka Moment

You spend hours and days on something that is far from enjoyable you drag it on and on and on until that magic happens.

you may be working on something new or solving a particularly nasty bug. Whatever it is, Its something you can’t put your finger on. You browse it on the internet, read the relevant docs, research about it and look for any hint about how to proceed further. Maybe at the end of the day, you find nothing. You may have spent your entire workday on cracking the code and trying different several versions. In the end, however, your commit count is around zero.

And then there is that magical moment happen that you waiting for a long, You feel relieved, finally get that straight and simple solution. you wonder why didn’t you think of this before- instead of wasting days.

6- Worth it all!

often simple looking things are quite hard to execute every day the programmers fight these battles some of them are harder than others, but each is necessarily the piece of the puzzle. The user loves the newly created functions.

At the end of the story, a programmer life is full of challenges, creativity, and hard work. It needs dedication towards your work sacrificing your personal plans but it all worth it when you are happy and satisfied with your work and deliver your user the best product.

